Out There
A sci fi comedy in the vein of The X-Files, Out There: A Close Shave follows two government agents uncovering a extraterrestrial mystery in the small town of Jabpoke, Nebraska, where a unearthly entity is stealing townfolk’s mustaches from right under their noses.
“Talk about a shave and a haircut…”
Out There was conceived as a spoof on procedural dramas, extraterrestrial sci fi, and 90s television in general. Written by Jason Ungate and directed by Billy Nicholson, the pilot episode, “A Close Shave,” introduces David Kincannon as agent Kirby Seybold and Jeff Perkins as newcomer agent Austin Moore as they investigate a supernatural mystery surrounding murder and facial hair. It was filmed during the fall of 2009.
Check out the pilot script here, and view the trailer below: